一年一度,聚集行业,跨界联盟,探讨设计趋势,共建理想之城作为扎根地产与设计领域的具有影响力的平台,《DESIGN TRENDS 设计趋势》从线上走到线下,举办一年一度的趋势大会,聚焦行业热点,与各大一线地产开发商、顶尖设计机构(建筑、室内、景观)及艺术界知名人士与名流共同见证和发布趋势关键词,以期能在更远的未来,成为推动产业未来发展的一份高屋建瓴的指南。
Annual Design Focused Event, Multi-Industry Interactions. Envision Design Trends, Collab on Utopia. DESIGN TRENDS, one of the most influential platforms taking roots in real estate and design industries, gains momentum from a digital media to a grand offline annual design forum focusing on industrial headlines. Design Trends is committed to unveiling design keywords with the big names in A-list real estate enterprises, top tier design firms (architecture, interiors and landscape) and art industry, strategically working to a be a leading platform in boosting industrial growth in the coming future.
Horizontal Design, which is regarded as a representative of Chinese contemporary design, owns professional design group composed of international young talents. Since its establishment in 2003, Horizontal Design has remained keenly to innovate and become a forerunner, who provides the best service and solutions in the design fields of architecture, interior, landscape and product.
深圳市杰恩创意设计股份有限公司:简称“J&A”或“杰恩设计”目前亚洲最大规模的室内设计公司之一,作为中国第一家登陆A股市场的室内设计企业(300668.SZ),在美国权威杂志《INTERIOR DESIGN》2019全球设计巨头排行榜中,J&A综合排名全球第25,其中商业设计排名全球第3,亦是亚洲第一和中国第一。J&A总部位于中国深圳,上海、香港、北京、武汉、大连、西安均设有区域公司,主要服务四大设计领域:商业综合体、轨交综合体、医养综合体、文教综合体,发展至今已拥有建筑、室内、机电、导视、灯光、美陈、智能化系统设计等各种专业国际人才600余人,项目涵盖购物中心、办公空间、酒店、地产、医疗养老、公共建筑、轨道交通、文化教育等多种类型。
Shenzhen Jieen Creative Design Co., Ltd.: referred to as "J & a" or "Jieen design", one of the largest interior design companies in Asia at present. As the first interior design company (300668. SZ) to enter the A-share market in China, J & A ranks 25th in the world in a comprehensive way in the list of 2019 global design giants in the American authoritative magazine "interior design", of which commercial design ranks all Third in the world, Asia and China.