Founded in 2012, Algoblu is one of the earliest start-up in the world to engage in SD-WAN technology, product development and marketing services. Since its inception, Algoblu’s mission was to build a flexible, programmable network that focuses on virtualizing network resources to achieve increased flexibility and scalability for telecom companies and enterprise customers. Algoblu has developed products based on the innovation of network resource virtualization technology, which is unique in the market has been recognized by customers.
北京肇煜宏泰信息科技有限公司是国内成立最早的SD-WAN 网络服务商和解决方案提供商。公司成立于2012年,次年获得国际知名投行A轮800万美元风险投资,总部设在北京,并在上海设有办事处。公司核心团队成员来自于思科、戴尔、蓝汛、世纪互联等知名IT与互联网企业,现有员工50余人,其中80%为技术人员,公司具有“双软(软件企业、软件产品)”企业认证。在SDN、CDN、云计算、融合通信领域有深厚的技术积累,在美国、中国拥有超过20项技术专利,是一家以“技术创新为本”的初创型公司。
SUSTech School of Design(南科大设计学院)于2020年由南科大理事会正式批准成立,创始院长为关道文教授(Tom Kvan)。本学院依托南科大学科特色、创新教育模式,结合深圳及粤港澳大湾区创意设计产业基础及科技领域优势,设立前瞻性、跨学科创新学科方向,以创造力为工具,构建科研转化体系,培育具备广纳新知、人文关怀、社会责任感等特质的世界一流设计人才,为建设深圳创新创意设计学院起重要支撑作用。
A Global Standard High-level, Innovative Practice-led Design Institute. Design plays a fundamental and crucial role in creating and shaping our world. The intrinsic capacity of design enables it to serve as an agent of change and a source of transformation. Design links scientific and technology research to society by turning ideas into practical and attractive applications and services for users and industry. New design disciplines are emerging in response to the changing technological, cultural, economic, environmental, and social conditions.
Horizontal Design, which is regarded as a representative of Chinese contemporary design, owns professional design group composed of international young talents. Since its establishment in 2003, Horizontal Design has remained keenly to innovate and become a forerunner, who provides the best service and solutions in the design fields of architecture, interior, landscape and product.
We Provide Quality Products And Services Founded in 2004, LAMP Tech are delivering approximately 60,000 screens of different sizes and applications to our clients, and all these projects are shining and delivering magnificent videos throughout the world.
The main products of CANGZHOU MINGZHU are PE pipe, BOPA film and lithium ion battery separator. In terms of PE pipe products and BOPA film products, the company has long been in a dominant position in the subdivided industry by virtue of its scale and technical advantages. In terms of lithium ion battery separator products, with the continuous improvement and improvement of production technology and production process, the production scale continues to expand, and the products have entered the domestic large lithium battery manufacturers.