SUSTech School of Design(南科大设计学院)于2020年由南科大理事会正式批准成立,创始院长为关道文教授(Tom Kvan)。本学院依托南科大学科特色、创新教育模式,结合深圳及粤港澳大湾区创意设计产业基础及科技领域优势,设立前瞻性、跨学科创新学科方向,以创造力为工具,构建科研转化体系,培育具备广纳新知、人文关怀、社会责任感等特质的世界一流设计人才,为建设深圳创新创意设计学院起重要支撑作用。
A Global Standard High-level, Innovative Practice-led Design Institute. Design plays a fundamental and crucial role in creating and shaping our world. The intrinsic capacity of design enables it to serve as an agent of change and a source of transformation. Design links scientific and technology research to society by turning ideas into practical and attractive applications and services for users and industry. New design disciplines are emerging in response to the changing technological, cultural, economic, environmental, and social conditions.
We Provide Quality Products And Services Founded in 2004, LAMP Tech are delivering approximately 60,000 screens of different sizes and applications to our clients, and all these projects are shining and delivering magnificent videos throughout the world.
Boundary.AI develops safe, reliable and affordable autonomous piloting systems for eVTOL design team and manufacturers. By combining autopilot with cutting-edge computer vision and deep learning, we provide comprehensive intelligent sense-and-avoid, navigation, flight guidance, and control systems for eVTOL.
边界智控(Boundary.AI)于2020年11月在深圳成立,是一家为垂直起降飞行器(electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing,eVTOL)提供自主飞行系统的科技公司。该系统结合传统飞控和AI技术,为飞机构建先进的智能控制系统,融合摄像头、激光雷达、GNSS、IMU等传感器,实现飞机的环境感知、导航定位、任务决策和飞行控制等功能。
Since 2002, Meeteasy is focusing on providing customers with high quality, easy-to-use and reliable conferencing solutions. After 14 years continuously development, Meeteasy’s product range covers conference phones, speakerphones, multi-access conference bridges and conference room terminals. we are among top3 of conference device brands in China.