Kabirs Song一首适合初级、中级、高级瑜伽达人的音乐背景歌曲

Author: Chris Song

一首来自Snatam Kaur的Kabirs Song的瑜伽背景音乐歌曲,非常有意境。Kabirs Song 温柔浪漫,歌词有深度。

Kabirs Song

Oh my soul, you come and you go 

Through the paths of time and space

In useless play you’ll not find theway 

So set your goals and go 。

Sing such a song with all your life

You will never have to sing again

Love such a one with all your heart

You will never need to love again

Oh my soul, you come and you go 

Through the paths of time and space

In useless play you’ll not find the way  

So set your goals and go .

Walk such a path with all your faith

You will never have to wander again 

Give yourself to such a Guru

You will never have to seek again

Oh my soul, you come and you go 

Through the paths of time and space

In useless play you’ll not find theway 

So set your goals and go

Pray such a prayer with all your soul 

You will never have to pray again 

Die such a death at the feet of God

You will never have to die again

Oh my soul, you come and you go 

Through the paths of time and space

In useless play you’ll not find theway 

So set your goals and go

Breathe my Love

Breathe my Love

Breathe in the quiet centre 



Snatam Kaur 是一位精神音乐大使,她出生在印度瑜伽士家庭。Snatam 从小就训练了声音、小提琴、吉他。她有了西部古典音乐的坚实基础,并经常参加乐队演奏及个人的小提琴独奏。在精神音乐领域不断的扩展着并发挥着自己的天分,她遨游在音乐和灵性之间。“我得知潮流的重要性,信奉瑜伽者 Bhajan 曾说过,”她说,“我有个人经验的,我认为这些神圣的词能量,有一个非常真正,正面的作用。”Snatam 在印度更加进一步探索了声音的力量。在印度她花费了时间照顾幼儿,教体育和提供音乐给儿童在早晨吟唱和平颂歌。Snatam 在这里安定的学习音乐并从教于 Amritsar(Sikh 样式印度大师 kirtan)Bhai Hari Singh 。对她来说这是一巨大荣誉,并且她的母亲在孩童时代也受过这位大师的教育。



Snatam Kaur 的真名叫 Snatam Kaur Khalsa,Kaur 是锡克族语公主之意。她的声音有一种特别的感染力,清澈却又丰富,光滑而又温暖,轻灵而又不失力量,就如慈母的声音!就在身边,就在你需要的时候轻轻响起。


喜欢瑜伽的朋友不难发现,在众多瑜伽音乐当中,这首为瑜伽背景音乐精选。而Snatam Kaur,堪称“地球上最美的疗愈音乐”。




